Generic-a-thon Reviews Page
Generic-a-thon Reviews Page

REVIEW: Canadian label compiling 28 songs from 13 bands.  There is some
stand out material on this tape from Mr. Bellyache, Paranoid Lovesick,
Entropical Utopia, Velcro Mary, and Shiver U.K. but unfortunately it is
thrown in with alot of crap.  I normally wouldn 't be so critical, but in
this case I couldn't help it.  The label is run by Chris Purcell.  He and
his friend Billy Kotchkoski make up 3 bands and 9 of the songs on this
comp.  Their music is super generis and I suppose that 's the idea but the
songs sound like they were invented on the spot.  Wait, on second thought,
the music isn 't generic at all, it 's totally original, it 's just
originally bad.  I don 't know of anyone else who would want to distribute
music this juvenile. Other than that there is some good music on the tape.
My favorite song is an industrial track from Entropical Utopia called
"Placenta Extract."  It's a quality recording using some great samples and
grooves.  It reminds me of something Grotus might have done on one of their
off tracks.  Unfortunately this is the only song from the band.  Great
songs from Velcro Mary.  They have a simple style that I 've always loved
to hear from Canadian labels such as Cinnamon Toast and Derivative.  Two
live tracks from Shiver U.K. ; one of them a cover of Enya 's "Orinoco
Flow."  Worth a buck or two. ARTIST COMMENTARY: You may add your own
comments to our published review at any time. [MEDIUM: cassette. PRICE:
$2.00. TRADE: No?Yes. CONTACT: Chris Purcell, Generic Records, 30025 Robert
St., Wickliffe, OH 44092, USA; PHONE: ---; FAX: ---; EMAIL:; URL: .] --Received on
3/12/97. Reviewed by Zach Bockman 6/11/97.
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